daisy - weight loss motivation
Congratulations on losing 6.5 in only one week!

Daisy is from Longview, Texas, where she’s a student studying Elementary Education. That’s when things started to change. Daisy was constantly eating out and always felt tired, becoming extremely lazy.

“in college, a lot of my friends didn’t have the same type of metabolism like me. They can eat whatever they want and never gain weight. That was not the case for me, but I continued to pretend it was so I stopped working out and continued to eat whatever I wanted. In college, eating is a social thing and I am a very social person so I always found myself in situations where I was having to go and eat if I wanted to continue with my social lifestyle.”

Daisy used Fitclub and lost 6.4 lbs in 1 week!!
Read About Her Experience with Fitclub!

Why did you choose Fitclub?

“My mom, who is here with me, actually found Fitclub. She knew that I had given up on trying to become healthy again and she thought that it would be a good step for me to take to attempt to get my life back on track. I read the reviews and everything seemed like something that I needed so we took a leap of faith and came to California to try it out.”

What did you expect when using Fitclub?

“I expected healthy food that I would hate (but in actuality the food is delicious), and constant workout classes. I excepted to lose a few lbs or inches and be done but this is far from the case. I have felt a change in not only my body but in my mind.”

​What so far about the program has worked for you?

“Changing my diet to healthy food and having different coaches every day. I am a person who enjoys change and when things are different so having different coaches helps me become motivated and enjoy working out more.”

What did you enjoy most about the FitClub program? 

“There are several things that I have enjoyed about this program. The coaches are great! They all have different styles of coaching which is very nice. The classes are enjoyable because the coaches know how to make them that way! The clients here are also amazing. Everyone is so welcoming and loving and encouraging. It is a really fun environment to be in.”

How with Fitclub changed your outlook on Life?

“It has shown me that I am not too far out of shape and that I can get my life back to where I want it. It has shown me that I am stronger mentally and physically than I think I am as well. The biggest that this program has shown me is that I can survive on little portions and that I do not large meals to feel nor hungry.”

What advice would you give others contemplating attending?

“STICK TO THE PROGRAM. The program will work and you will see results is you can resist temptation. Find a buddy to keep you accountable and don’t put yourself in situations that may sabotage your time here.  My favorite quote is “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”. The reason I like this quote is because it reminds me not to focus on failure.”

Congratulations from all of the Fitclub Team!

We are all so proud of you, Daisy!
Does Daisy’s story resonate with you? You could be our next success story! Reach out to us for a free fitness consultation to build a customized all inclusive package to get you to your fitness goal.