Goal Setting

Goals should be based on performance, what the person actually does, rather than a particular outcome (the end result).  For optimal motivation from goal setting, it is best to assume responsibility for behaviors that are under the person’s direct control. Outcome goals such as improving appearance, losing weight, or winning a competitive event are not always under the exerciser’s control.

Good Performance Goal: I will complete three sets of 10 repetitions of bicep curls.

🆇  Bad Performance Goal: I will reduce my percent body fat by 3% in the next 30 days.

Short and Long-Term Goals

Short-term goals range in time from immediately to one week. These reinforce sense of competence and success early on, which is vital for persistence in the task that will lead to achieving the goal.

Long-term goals range from several weeks to months and even years. These allow people to evaluate the quality of their performance when compared with goals that were established early in the designated time frame.

Ideally, a series of short-term goals should lead to a realistic yet challenging long-term performance goal.


Long-Term Goal: I will be able to jog nonstop around the track 10 times after three months.
Series of Short-Term Goals:
  1. I will attend the fitness facility to jog a minimum of three times per week on alternate days.
  2. For each workout I will perform pre-exercise routines in preparation for training (e.g., drink sufficient water before and during my workout, avoid meals within two hours of jogging, and wear proper exercise attire).
  3. Over three weeks I will work with a personal trainer to obtain preprogram data and to obtain the proper exercise prescription and techniques for both jogging and strength training components of my workout.
  4. I will engage in interval training on the track consisting of 10 bouts of work-rest intervals. For the first month, each work-rest bout will consist of jogging nonstop for 60 seconds followed by 15 seconds of walking. I will complete these 10 intervals three times per week

Qualities of a Good Performance Goal

Specific Goals should be specific to the demands of the task. Challenging goals are even more effective when they include specific details.
Example: Asking swimmers to improve their performance speed by 5 seconds, rather than vague goals such as “do your best” or “try to improve.”
Measurable Detecting evidence that a performance goal has been met. Based on outcomes that are observable and preferably measureable. Helps form the basis for forming future goals.
  • I want to improve my performance speed from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • I want to take 4 group exercise classes this week rather than 3
Achievable Your goal should be challenging, but realistic. If you have not ever run a 5k, you are not going to set a goal to run an ultra-marathon. You should be able to achieve your outcome goal by setting smaller performance goals. If you cannot, then you need to change your outcome goal to something more manageable and work your way up.
  • I will run a 5k in less than 30 minutes. Right now, I can run it in 35 minutes.
Performance Goals:
  • To do this I will run on the path or treadmill Monday and Saturday mornings.
  • Before my runs I will eat something light and stretch.
  • I will set my fitbit and/or mobile app to track my time.
  • While running I will listen to music and focus on my breathing and form.
Relevant Goals should be relevant to your purpose or larger overall plan. Your purpose is what you are passionate about. If you are passionate about improving your health or performance by losing weight, your goals should reflect that.
  • I am going to drop 50 lbs of fat mass by exercising and eating right.
Time-Bound It is far easier to commit to a goal, and be successful, if you do it for a set amount of time. Preferably one week, and if the goal is not met you can choose to do it again or set a new goal.
  • I am going to run a 5k in less than 30 minutes by the end of next week.
  • I am going to drop 3 lbs of fat mass this week to work towards my goal of 50 lbs.