
In order to keep you with energy your body needs to burn fuel and the metabolic rate is the rate it does it. Metabolism plays a huge role in nutrition and a major one in the bottle of weigh loss.  Here are three reason why you’re not loosing or maintaining a certain weight.






  • Doing cardio is a great if not the best way to burn calories, but it it only goes so far and the next step is to lift some pounds. It should always be appropriate to your needs and capabilities, when you lift weights you’re creating muscle mass which will prevent future injuries by strengthening the joints and it will also increase your metabolic rate.



  • If you think that you’re saving time and calories by not having breakfast -you’re totally wrong. And it’s not just eating something, it’s about eating the right amount of protein along carbohydrates that will give you a jumpstart to your metabolism and will set you up for the rest of the day.



  • Despite how relaxed are you by bed time, your body is working hard and it should. Sleeping well is a key factor for metabolism. It’s the best time to replenish nutrients and for your muscles to repair themselves.


Here is a great workout that combines cardio with muscle building. It’s Amber and this is Upper body circuit. 

How To Maintain A Healthy Diet For The Super Busy 

As we draw close to the end of the year, it seems as if we have little time for anything anymore. Christmas music is on the radio, New Year’s Eve holiday party planning has began, and it seems we never get time to break for a proper meal. We all know that having a healthy diet is essential to achieving your weight loss goals, but it seems the challenge to get or make time to maintain the proper diet and nutrition is unyielding.

Live In Fitness is here to help. As taught in our diet and nutrition behavior classes, there are a fews things you can do to keep yourself healthy and achieving your weight-loss goals. It isn’t anything fancy, but it does take decisive action and consistency. Just a few changes will have a tremendous impact on your energy and metabolism and keep you on track in reaching and exceeding your weight loss goals.

1. Never Skip  A Meal – Especially Breakfast 

I know that the kids must be to school by the bell at 8:05am. You may have even forgot to take the dog out for a walk. But skipping breakfast is a no no. Skipping breakfast is linked to increase weight gain, health risk and it will make you cranky a lot faster. Even if you have to eat something small or pre-packed like a granola bar, at least take something to eat to your desk in the morning to keep your metabolism going.

  1. Prepare 

I know it is hard to get to the grocery store these days and do the whole meal prepping thing. Meal prepping in and of itself sometimes feels very intimidating, but it is necessary. Make time to hit the market in the evening or on the weekend. You could even research having food delivered. The better prepared you are the greater the likelihood that you will eat.

  1. Don’t Eat At Your Desk

I know that it is tempting, but focus eating is mandatory in weight loss. When you don’t eat where you work, you eat less, slower, and the change of scenery can do wonders to clear your head. Also eating away from work and with others make you conscience of your eating habits. Lastly eating away from your desk will also benefit your social and networking opportunities as well, as it gets you away from yourself and around other great people.

  1. Start Chugging Down Water. 

Water is essential to keeping you hydrated, keeping headaches down, and even taking away certain hunger and cravings pangs. If you can’t stand the taste, maybe add some fruit or vegetables to serve as a natural sweetener.

  1. Choose Your Restaurants Wisely. 

Eating out makes it so easy to cheat and even with the trend of healthy alternatives, many healthy food options are still chalked with secret sugars, fats, oils, and salts. Plan wisely. Check out apps and cruise websites before you go out, and if you are in the moment always go grilled with veggies.

  1. Don’t Shop When You Are Hungry

Sometimes the grocery store can be harder than a restaurant with so many tempting options to choose from. Stay around the perimeter of the store and make it a priority to shop at a time that you are are not rushed and calm so that you can make wise decisions that aren’t fast, cheap, or easy.

  1. Slow Down On The Liquor

Liquor is a silent killer for more reasons than the obvious. Liquor puts on unnecessary calories that will kill even the best workout plan. Tempting to splurge during happy hour? Studies show that the average drinks contains 700 calories. You must be mindful of the liquor and wine consumption, and if you are dining out plan accordingly.

If you focus on planning ahead, concentrating on meal selection and really taking care of your mind and body, you will find yourself more productive throughout the day. You want your energy to be spent in the gym and not on doctors visits. To learn more about how you can have the proper diet, weight loss and lifestyle contact Live In Fitness. Live In Fitness weight loss camp is the will give you a customize plan to get your life moving forward in the right direction.

Eric Athelete's Core

Video – Athlete’s Core



Weather you left it a long time ago or is been just a few days since you haven’t gotten back to the gym: it’s time to go back. Work, school or social life can get us really busy, but being healthy should be our maximum priority. February is ending and that resolution from january hasn’t knocked on our doors, bad. Let’s stay away from stress and cliches -wait, find a reason and get a purpose. Sound like something you must been wondering about all this time, but its the only true. FitClubTv says that there should almost be natural the desire of being fit and healthy but is it really? because we ourselves know that we want to make it easy for you. Lets start with a talk with Eric Viskovicz about Internal Dialogue and ways to train your brain to think and act with in a purpose.  After that have your Yoga session with Mayrah Piñalosa -find that honest place within yourself that will help you to be more present and will delineate thoughts. Now lets get more real -wait physical, Jimmy Everett will go along with you in a series of routines from arms, back, shoulders and the importance of stretching before and in between your routine which will help you get farther. You need to eat, but since we’re getting back to the road this time, be smart and do it the right way. A great option is Andie’s kitchen she will not only show you how to make a great meal full of nutrients and very much based on super foods, she will also give you great tips along the show to improve your metabolism. She also has a great story to share with you about how she did it and continues to every day.

Internal Dialogue Play


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We’re still celebrating the launch of Fit Culture Threads’ new fitness apparel line. It’s the essence of glamour what we find essential in fitness and having that as our flag; two years ago Fit Club Tv went into a journey of designing a line of fitness wear that woman would love. It’s made and thought for and by woman because it does matters, it matters how you look and how you feel. It’s the power of choosing how you look and desire to achieve your goals. There is many important things in life, but let’s do justice to our efforts by looking and feeling good. More than a great design the entire line is made of the best quality in fiber. Make it yours once and you won’t want to workout again without them again. It’s our word and we keep it. Here is the behind the scenes of the photoshoot with Christine Moon and the twins Maria Chriysa Syngrou for Fit Culture Threads. It was fun, definitely a great night.

christine bts maria bts